It may be the last week of summer vacation, but there are plenty of new manga to get you through the long weekend, as I observed on MTV Geek. Sean Gaffney checks out a bountiful list of next week’s new manga.
Shaenon Garrity fills in for Jason Thompson on this week’s House of 1000 Manga column at ANN, with a discussion of Tokyopop’s short-lived josei manga imprint Passion Fruit.
Philip wraps up this month’s Manga Moveable Feast with roundups of days 5 and 6 of posts about The Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service.
Ash Brown is giving away a copy of vol. 1 of Read or Dream at Experiments in Manga.
Lissa Pattillo on vol. 12 of 13th Boy (Kuriousity)
Lori Henderson on vol. 5 of Ai Ore (Manga Village)
Erica Friedman on vol. 7 of Aoi Hana (Okazu)
John Rose on vol. 3 of Gate 7 (The Fandom Post)
Leroy Douresseaux on vol. 8 of Ikigami: The Ultimate Limit (The Comic Book Bin)
John Rose on vol. 1 of Oreimo (The Fandom Post)
Michelle Smith and MJ on Sakuran (Manga Bookshelf)