Hi, Manga Bookshelf readers and friends! I’m Aja, the person who introduced our dear MJ to Hikaru no Go, and I’m so happy to be a guest here, today of all days.
May 5th is a huge day for Hikaru no Go fans. Not only is the date extremely important in the storyline of the series itself, but the Japanese words for “5” and “Go” are identical. In fact, after he starts getting into the game of Go, the protagonist, Hikaru, is depicted wearing a t-shirt that reads, “Let’s 5!” instead of “Let’s go!”
Four years ago, I accidentally started a tradition on my own livejournal, when I created a meme (really, a game) called “Let’s Five!” The idea is simple: you ask one another for your Top Five lists about the series, the fandom, your favorite characters, fics, pairings, the game, anything you want. The person who answers can then ask you for a Top 5 of your own.
You can read the previous incarnations of this meme here (2007), here (2008), here (2009), and here (2010).
In honor of the final publication of this beloved series, MJinvited me to host my annual May 5th meme here as part of Manga Bookshelf’s Hikago Day celebration.
This is especially exciting for me, because it’s the 5th anniversary of my Top 5 “Let’s 5” 5/5 celebration! (That’s five fives!)
So join me in celebrating today, and Let’s Five!
How to play:
1. Comment to this post!
2. Other commenters will ask you for one of your top-5 Hikago related things! For example: ‘Top 5 favorite characters,’ ‘Top 5 favorite game match-ups,’ ‘Top 5 times Touya and Hikaru were embarrassingly in love,’ and so on and so forth!
3. You answer. There is much flailing. REPEAT STEPS 1-3.READY?