A couple of months ago, Noah Berlatsky from The Hooded Utilitarian e-mailed to ask if I’d like to write a guest post for the blog.
While I was, of course, thrilled to be asked, I admit I was surprised. Not only do the Utilitarians tend toward academic criticism (something I don’t have the chops for at all), but they also spend a lot of time talking about stuff they really don’t like, while I deliberately devote a huge amount of my page space to things I like a lot.
“I’m way too soft for these people,” is what I thought.
But Noah asked and I agreed, and so today there is a post. It’s called Twilight & the Plight of the Female Fan.
Putting “Twilight” right up front is a bit misleading, perhaps. Yes, I talk about my own personal reactions to Twilight: The Graphic Novel (such as they are), but that’s really just to provide a platform for the post’s real purpose, which is to discuss the way women in manga and comics fandom deal with other women and works written by/for women.
Am I way too soft for The Hooded Utilitarian? I suspect we’ll discover this in comments. So, wish me luck, and check out the post!
Noah Berlatsky says
Not too soft at all! We talk about things we like too! LIke Wonder Woman! We are friendly and cuddly and clutch pink teddy bears when appropriate, honest! (It is true, though, that I still have not mastered the art of posting a smiley face in comments….)
Melinda Beasi says
I would like to see a photo of you all gathered around, clutching pink teddy bears. I will pay good money for it. :D