Just a few quick things this morning! First of all, I won’t be at NYCC this weekend, because I have to be in Memphis for UPTAs (since hiring actors is part of my actual paying job). What this means, however, is I’ll be in Memphis, which brings me to the question I always ask when I travel:
Are there any cool comic/manga shops I should visit in Memphis? Anyone?
And now a couple of links regarding manga reviewers who are not me. :) First, we have two new reviewers at Manga Recon! You can read about them both here! I am not the new girl anymore, hurray! Secondly, Michelle has started writing occasional reviews over at Comics Should Be Good (home of the fabulous Danielle Leigh), and you can read her first review (for The Quest for the Missing Girl) here.
Lastly, Chris Butcher has a great post about Diamond’s new order minimums, and why he thinks it will kill the direct market. I admit I don’t buy much manga anymore from my local comic shop (unless it’s from their used shelf), partly because they don’t keep up their stock after things sell out so they rarely have whatever volume I’m looking for, but also because on the day a new volume is released, they almost never have it. I’ve blamed Diamond for this in the past, and I don’t know if that’s fair, but sometimes even when I’ve called to ask the store about a new release of a series I know they carry, I find it’s not even on the list for their upcoming shipment. Anyway. Manga is obviously not most comic shops’ bread and butter, so I doubt anyone cares much about that, but I would really hate to see comic shops die, and I’m sure most of you feel the same.
That’s all for now!