Today, I’m pleased to welcome Rocket Bomber‘s Matt Blind to Manga Bookshelf’s roster of contributors!
Matt is especially known for his wonderfully meticulous Manga Bestsellers charts, and happily he’s agreed to have them hosted here. He’ll also be contributing other manga-related musings as he sees fit, and since we love Matt’s perspective, we hope that will be often.
You can check out this week’s charts here (always available in their new, dedicated space on Manga Bookshelf’s front page). And if you’re wondering how this statistical magic happens, I recommend reading Matt’s “About the Charts.”
Please give Matt a warm welcome! We’re thrilled to have him on board!
Michelle Smith says
Welcome, Matt!
Matt Blind says
Welcome, Matt!
oh, wait… something seems off…
Justin says
Welcome to Manga Bookshelf Matt. Will be looking forward to your posts here!
Noura says
Welcome, Matt!
Estara says
Spreading your welcome mat to welcome Matt, aren’t you?
Yay for statistics! – Also I gather he hasn’t been wholly integrated into the collective yet? Awww.