ASH: There are some interesting releases this week, for sure, but I’m more inclined to nab newer volumes of ongoing series rather than any of the debuts. That being said, my pick this actually does go to the debut of The Mimosa Confessions. Granted, I’ll be waiting for it to come out in print before I actually read it…
MICHELLE: The Mimosa Confessions gets my pick as well, but there *is* some Yumi Tamura on the schedule, so that can never go without happy commentary.
ANNA: Yumi Tamura for meeeeeeeeeeeee!
SEAN: The last volume ended with everyone sobbing their eyes out (except the one girl who played the saxophone), and I desperately want to know what happens next, so the 6th Chitose Is in the Ramune Bottle is my pick!
KATE: I had a love-hate relationship with Shuzo Oshimi’s Blood on the Tracks, but the penultimate volume is coming to stores this week and I’m feeling an itch to read it. I want to find out what happens to Seiichi, even though my Spidey sense is telling me that this is story with an unhappy (and probably squick-inducing) ending.