For a number of reasons, money is very tight these days in the household, allowing for very little (if any) to be spent on things like manga, so when folks came around asking about what to get me for Christmas, I asked only for manga. As a result, I now have quite a nice chunk of books to add to my collection! Some of these are bits of series I’ve already read (like Black Cat) but have been slowly collecting to own, and some are volumes I’ve been dying to read, either in series I’ve been reading already, or new ones I’ve hoped to begin. Complete rundown after the jump!
Legal Drug vols. 1-3 (Catching up on CLAMP’s catalogue is an expensive venture indeed. Thanks to my in-laws for the help!)
Mushishi vols. 3-6 (I love this series, and have been dying for more. Wahoo!)
Paradise Kiss vols. 1-5 (This was a particular treat to receive, since I love NANA so!)
Song of the Hanging Sky vols. 1-2 (I became interested in this series after reading one of Brigid Alverson’s reviews. Reviews really do sell books!)
Suppli vol. 1 (Michelle Smith got me excited about this series! I hope I can help save it from extinction!)
Tokyo Babylon vols. 4-7 (See above, re: Legal Drug.)
I also have the Azumanga Diaoh “Omnibus” edition coming (contains vol. 1-4), but it was apparently backordered, and not expected to arrive until January 20th at the earliest. I also have some B&N and Borders gift cards, so I will be making my own purchases as well. First on the list: more volumes of Yotsuba&! After that, I haven’t quite decided.
Now, what I really should have asked for was a bigger bookcase. Ah, well. :)