Yotsuba&!, Vol. 1 | By Kiyohiko Azuma | Published by Yen Press – This book is about a little girl and her dad. They have just moved to a new place in Japan. The little girl meets her neighbors, loves to shop, and gets into a lot of trouble.
I liked Yotsuba&!. My favorite part about this book is when Yotsuba, one of her neighbors and Jumbo go cicada-catching. I didn’t like when Yotsuba lets all the bugs go and they get all over her neighbor’s house. One of the neighbors sprays the bugs and the bugs aren’t strong anymore. The bugs were very sad and weak and did not like it.
My favorite characters were Yotsuba and Ena. Both characters were really fun. Yotsuba and I are both little girls and we both like shopping. Ena reminds me of my older sister so I could relate to both characters.
The book was pretty funny. The funniest part was when the bathroom lock gets broken and the people who climb out the window get stuck.
There was nothing I did not understand except for the “&!” at the end of the title. What is that? I did not like it when the people in the book were excited and the illustration made them look really mad and yelling loudly. If I was just looking at the pictures and not reading the story I would think the people in the book were really mean.
I liked the book a lot so I would recommend this book to little girls like me!
mom says
Jia always makes me want to read the books she reviews. And this review makes me smile. Keep it up!
Melinda Beasi says
Great job, Jia! I’ll be very interested to see how you feel about the “mad” faces after you’ve read a bit more manga, and maybe gotten more used to some of its visual conventions. I look forward to seeing much more from you here!
Alex Hoffman says
Jia, you did a really good job! My favorite part in the first book of Yotsuba&! is also when the bathroom lock is broken.
I hope you like the next book too. It is really funny!
Manga Therapy says
What a cute review!
Jade says
I’d never thought of it, but I guess their expressions do get a little out of control sometimes.