The February 2012 Manga Movable Feast focused on the artistic legacy of Osamu Tezuka, known in Japan as the “god of manga.” Below is the complete list of essays, reviews, podcasts, etc. that resulted from our weeklong discussion of Tezuka’s legacy, as well as older articles about Tezuka’s work.
- Guide to English Language Editions of Tezuka’s Work, Connie (Slightly Biased Manga, 2/17/12)
- 17 Manga by Osamu Tezuka, Deb Aoki (About.Manga)
- Tezuka: A Bibliography for English Speakers, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 12/21/10)
- An Introduction to Osamu Tezuka, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 2/19/12)
- Osamu Tezuka: An Abbreviated Biography, Milo (Blog of the North Star, 2/23/12)
- Osamu Tezuka’s Life Story: Introduction, Greg Baker (Tezuka in English)
- Osamu Tezuka’s Life Story (1928 – 1957), Greg Baker (Tezuka in English)
- Osamu Tezuka’s Life Story (1958 – 1964), Greg Baker (Tezuka in English)
- Osamu Tezuka’s Life Story (1965 – 1972), Greg Baker (Tezuka in English)
- Osamu Tezuka’s Life Story (1973 – 1980), Greg Baker (Tezuka in English)
- Osamu Tezuka’s Life Story (1981 – 1989), Greg Baker (Tezuka in English)
Call for Participation
- Osamu Tezuka Manga Movable Feast, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 1/31/12)
- The Greatest Podcast on Earth, Part I, Evan Minto, Frederik Schodt, and Ed Sizemore (Ani-Gamers, 3/30/10)
- The Greatest Podcast on Earth, Part II, Evan Minto, Frederik Schodt, and Ed Sizemore (Ani-Gamers, 4/16/10)
- Manga Out Loud: Apollo’s Song, Johanna Draper Carlson and Ed Sizemore (Manga Out Loud, 1/27/11)
- Manga Out Loud: Kickstarter and Tezuka’s Barbara, Ben Applegate, Johanna Draper Carlson, Alex Hoffman, Lissa Patillo, and Ed Sizemore (Manga Out Loud, 1/16/12)
- Manga Out Loud: Princess Knight, Vol. 1, Johanna Draper Carlson, Helen McCarthy, Frederick Schodt, and Ed Sizemore (Manga Out Loud, 11/8/11)
- Manga Out Loud: Princess Knight, Vol. 2, Katherine Dacey, Helen McCarthy, Ada Palmer, and Ed Sizemore (Manga Out Loud, 1/13/12)
- Manga Out Loud: Tezuka’s Manga for Adults, Johanna Draper Carlson, Ed Chavez, and Ed Sizemore (Manga Out Loud, 2/25/12)
- Pinoko is a Creepy Stalker, Mitchell Dyer, Evan Minto, and Elliot Page (Ani-Gamers, 6/2/09)
Reviews: Anime and Films
- Black Jack: The Movie, Ink (Ani-Gamers, 3/9/10)
- Boku no Son Goku/Alakazam the Great, Drew McCabe (Comic Attack!, 6/17/11)
- Buddha: The Great Departure, animemiz (Anime Diet, 7/8/11)
- The Fantastic Adventures of Unico, Drew McCabe (Comic Attack!, 11/11/11)
- Metropolis, Evan Minto (Ani-Gamers, 3/26/10)
- Phoenix: The Complete Collection, Uncle Yo (Ani-Gamers, 6/4/10)
- Tezuka Film Retrospective Report, Ed Sizemore (Manga Worth Reading, 11/20/09)
Reviews: Books About Osamu Tezuka
- The Art of Osamu Tezuka: God of Manga, Ash Brown (Experiments in Manga, 2/22/12)
- The Art of Osamu Tezuka: God of Manga, Justin (Organization Anti-Social Geniuses, 2/22/12)
- The Art of Osamu Tezuka: God of Manga, Evan Minto (Ani-Gamers, 3/5/10)
Reviews: Manga
Note that I have used an asterisk to indicate reviews of entire series (e.g. Adolf, Princess Knight). For series that have been released in both single- and multi-volume editions (e.g. Apollo’s Song, Ode to Kirihito), I have only used this designation when both editions are present in the list.
- Adolf, Uncle Yo (Ani-Gamers, 3/18/10)*
- Adolf, Vol. 1: A Tale of the Twentieth Century, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 1/15/10)
- Adolf, Vol. 2: An Exile in Japan, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 3/3/10)
- Adolf, Vol. 3: The Half-Aryan, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 4/9/10)
- Adolf, Vol. 4: Days of Infamy, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 6/6/10)
- Adolf, Vol. 5: 1945 and All That Remains, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 6/20/10)
Apollo’s Song
- Apollo’s Song, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 9/1/10)
- Apollo’s Song, Alexander Hoffman (Manga Village, 10/19/09)
- Apollo’s Song, Terry Hong (Book Dragon, 9/1/07)
- Apollo’s Song, Elliot Page (Ani-Gamers, 12/11/10)
- Apollo’s Song, Rob Vollmar (Comics Worth Reading, 1/3/08)
- Apollo’s Song, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 7/7/07)
Astro Boy
- Astro Boy, Vol. 1, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 2/2/09)
- Astro Boy, Vols. 1-5, Terry Hong (Book Dragon, 5/20/09)
- Astro Boy, Vol. 2, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 2/4/09)
- Astro Boy, Vol. 3, Evan Minto (Ani-Gamers, 3/13/10)
- Astro Boy, Vol. 3, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 2/5/09)
- Ayako, MJ and Michelle Smith (Manga Bookshelf, 2/24/11)
- Ayako, Kristin Bomba (Comic Attack!, 12/6/10)
- Ayako, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 12/17/10)
- Ayako, Johanna Draper Carlson (Manga Worth Reading, 2/18/11)
- Ayako, Justin (Organization Anti-Social Geniuses, 2/19/12)
- Ayako, Evan Minto (Ani-Gamers, 12/26/10)
- Ayako, David Welsh (The Manga Curmudgeon, 12/19/10)
- Ayako, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 11/21/10)
Black Jack
- Black Jack, Vol. 1, Johanna Draper Carlson (Manga Worth Reading, 1/6/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 1, Terry Hong (Book Dragon, 6/1/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 1, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 3/2/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 1, Evan Minto (Ani-Gamers, 1/3/09)
- Black Jack Vol. 1, Andrew Neylon (Words From a Room, 11/13/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 1, John Thomas (Manga Village, 9/24/08)
- Black Jack, Vol. 1, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 9/22/08)
- Black Jack, Vols. 1-2, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 12/15/10)
- Black Jack, Vols. 1-5, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 8/13/09)
- Black Jack, Vols. 1-9, Elliot Page (Ani-Gamers, 3/16/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 2, Johanna Draper Carlson (Manga Worth Reading, 1/9/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 2, Terry Hong (Book Dragon, 6/2/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 2, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 3/2/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 2, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 11/11/08)
- Black Jack, Vol. 3, Terry Hong (Book Dragon, 6/3/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 3, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 3/29/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 3, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber (All About Manga, 2/21/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 3, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 1/2/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 4, John Thomas (Manga Village, 6/12/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 4, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 4/7/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 5, Johanna Draper Carlson (Manga Worth Reading, 8/5/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 5, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 6/20/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 6, Lori Henderson (Manga Xanadu, 2/10/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 6, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 7/9/09)
- Black Jack, Vol. 7, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 6/28/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 8, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 2/16/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 8, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 2/23/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 9, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 2/18/10)
- Black Jack, Vols. 9-11, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 8/16/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 10, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 3/19/10)
- Black Jack, Vol. 11, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 3/19/10)
- Black Jack, Vols. 12-13, MJ, Katherine Dacey, and David Welsh (Manga Bookshelf, 2/20/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 13, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 11/30/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 13, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 2/8/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 14, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 6/4/11)
- Black Jack, Vols. 14-15, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 2/21/12)
- Black Jack, Vol. 15, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 7/22/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 16, Kristin Bomba (Comic Attack!, 10/17/11)
- Black Jack, Vol. 16, Sarah Boslaugh (playback:stl, 1/27/12)
- Black Jack, Vol. 16, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 11/4/11)
- Black Jack, Vols. 16-17, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 2/23/12)
- Black Jack, Vol. 17, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 2/11/12)
The Book of Human Insects
- The Book of Human Insects, MJ (Manga Bookshelf, 11/11/11)
- The Book of Human Insects, Justin (Organization Anti-Social Geniuses, 2/25/12)
- The Book of Human Insects, Linda (animemiz’s scribblings, 2/23/12)
- The Book of Human Insects, Lori Henderson (Manga Xanadu, 2/20/12)
- The Book of Human Insects, Bryan Hollerbach (playback:stl, 2/24/12)
- The Book of Human Insects, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 9/25/11)
- Buddha, Terry Hong (Book Dragon)*
- Buddha, Vol. 1, Sarah Boslaugh (playback:stl, 9/10/10)
- Buddha, Vol. 1, Angela Eastman (Diary of a Bookworm, 2/21/12)
- Buddha, Vol. 1, Connie (Slightly Biased Manga, 2/22/12)
- Buddha, Vol. 1, Linda Thai (Something Deeper: Anime, Manga, and Comics, 2/21/12)
Crime and Punishment
- Crime and Punishment: The Bilingual Edition, Connie C. (Manga Village, 3/16/11)
- Crime and Punishment: The Bilingual Edition, Jason Yadao (Otaku Ohana, 2/27/12)
- Dororo, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 7/27/09)*
- Dororo, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 1/14/09)*
- Dororo, Vol. 1, Ash Brown (Experiments in Manga, 2/24/12)
- Dororo, Vol. 1, Rob McMongal (Panel Patter, 3/5/10)
- Dororo, Vol. 1, Andrew Neylon (Words From a Room, 11/22/11)
- Dororo, Vol. 1, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 5/25/08)
- Dororo, Vol. 1, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 4/14/08)
- Dororo, Vol. 2, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 3/30/10)
- Dororo, Vol. 2, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 7/1/08)
- Dororo, Vol. 2, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 6/11/08)
- Dororo, Vol. 3, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 6/14/10)
- Dororo, Vol. 3, Michelle Smith (Soliloquy in Blue, 10/8/08)
- Dororo, Vol. 3, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 8/27/08)
Lost World, Nextworld, and Metropolis
- Lost World, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 2/23/12)
- Metropolis, Johanna Draper Carlson (Manga Worth Reading, 2/24/12)
- Nextworld, Vol. 1, Phillip (Ani-Gamers, 3/27/10)
- MW, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 3/1/10)
- MW, Mitchell Dyer (Ani-Gamers, 8/18/08)
- MW, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 12/5/07)
- MW, Terry Hong (Book Dragon, 11/1/07)
- MW, Sweetpea (Organization Anti-Social Geniuses, 2/24/12)
- MW, Linda Thai (Something Deeper: Anime, Manga and Comics, 2/25/12)
- MW, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 3/6/08)
Ode to Kirihito
- Ode to Kirihito, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 4/7/10)*
- Ode to Kirihito, Terry Hong (Book Dragon, 5/1/07)*
- Ode to Kirihito, animemiz (animemiz’s scribblings, 4/1/10)*
- Ode to Kirihito, Khursten Santos (Otaku Champloo, 8/26/07)*
- Ode to Kirihito, Sweetpea616 (Organization Anti-Social Geniuses, 10/7/11)*
- Ode to Kirihito, Rob Vollmar (Comics Worth Reading, 3/23/07)*
- Ode to Kirihito, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 12/12/06)*
- Ode to Kirihito, Vol. 1, MJ (Manga Bookshelf, 5/12/10)
- Ode to Kirihito, Vol. 1, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber (All About Manga, 3/26/10)
- Phoenix, Vol. 1: Dawn, Uncle Yo (Ani-Gamers, 3/2/10)
- Phoenix, Vol. 1: Dawn, Rob Vollmar (Comics Worth Reading, 6/1/07)
- Phoenix, Vol. 2: Future, Rob Vollmar (Comics Worth Reading, 8/9/07)
- Phoenix, Vol. 3: Yamato, Rob Vollmar (Comics Worth Reading, 10/2/07)
- Phoenix, Vol. 3: Space, Rob Vollmar (Comics Worth Reading, 4/3/08)
- Phoenix, Vol. 12: Early Works, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 4/25/08)
Princess Knight
- Princess Knight, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 12/19/10)*
- Princess Knight, Evan Minto (Ani-Gamers, 2/23/12)*
- Princess Knight, Serdar Yegulalp (Genji Press, 1/27/12)*
- Princess Knight, Vol. 1, Anna (Manga Report, 2/22/12)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 1, Erica Friedman (Okazu, 1/11/12)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 1, Sean Gaffney (A Case Suitable for Treatment, 10/19/11)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 1, Ed Sizemore (Manga Worth Reading, 11/3/11)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 1, David Welsh (The Manga Curmudgeon, 11/10/11)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 2, Anna (Manga Report, 2/27/12)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 2, MJ and Michelle Smith (Manga Bookshelf, 2/23/12)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 2, Erica Friedman (Okazu, 2/21/12)
- Princess Knight, Vol. 2, Sean Gaffney (A Case Suitable for Treatment, 12/13/11)
Swallowing the Earth
- Swallowing the Earth, Katherine Dacey (The Manga Critic, 7/9/09)
- Swallowing the Earth, Lori Henderson (Manga Village, 9/10/10)
- Swallowing the Earth, Johanna Draper Carlson (Manga Worth Reading, 7/29/09)
Various Titles
- Manga Wrap-Up: Week Seven, Lori Henderson (Manga Xanadu, 2/20/12)
- My Week in Manga, February 13, 2012, Ash Brown (Experiments in Manga, 2/20/12)
Thematic Essays, Roundtable Discussions, and Podcasts
- The Ages of Fan I: That Guy Tezuka, Matt Blind (Rocket Bomber, 3/27/07)
- Astro Boy: The Study of a Fossil, Panini Manino (Subete Animes, 12/17/11)
- Black Jack Testifies to Tezuka’s Work, Jason Yadao (Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 11/10/08)
- Comments from the Teen Peanut Gallery, Jason Green (playback:stl, 2/26/12)
- Dark Side of the Manga: Tezuka Osamu’s Dark Period, Rob Vollmar (World Literature Today, 2/22/12)
- Discussion: How Do You Feel About Kickstarter Manga?, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber (All About Manga, 1/14/12)
- Discussion: Which Tezuka Manga Is Your Favorite?, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber (All About Manga, 2/10/12)
- Do Manga Editors Dream of Tezuka Sheep?, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber (All About Manga, 2/26/12)
- The Good Ol’ Doctor, Manga Connection (Manga Connection, 2/16/12)
- How Were You Introduced to Tezuka?, Justin and Sweetpea (Organization Anti-Social Geniuses, 2/23/12)
- If You’re Going to License a Tezuka Manga, I Have Some Requests, Daniella Orihuela-Gruber (All About Manga, 3/9/10)
- The Little App That Couldn’t: Tezuka Osamu Manga on the iPad, Ed Sizemore (Manga Worth Reading, 7/23/11)
- Manga License for Umi no Toriton, Linda (animemiz’s scribblings, 2/20/12)
- More Modernized Tezuka, Please, Johanna Draper Carlson (Manga Worth Reading, 2/25/12)
- My Foray Into a Master’s Works, Linda (animemiz’s scribblings, 2/21/12)
- Rise of the Machines, Jason Yadao (Honululu Star Bulletin, 10/25/09)
- A Small Appreciation of Osamu Tezuka, Rob McMonigal (Panel Patter, 2/19/12)
- Snapshot: Light Motif, Evan Minto (Ani-Gamers, 2/21/12)
- The Tale of Three Tezuka Ladies, Khursten Santos (Otaku Champloo, 2/27/12)
- Tezuka and the 108 Stars of Destiny, Hisui and Narutaki (Ani-Gamers, 3/31/10)
- Tezuka, Sex, and Gender, Part I, Derik Badman, Katherine Dacey, Alex Hoffman, Omar Khan, Matthew Plummer, Khursten Santos, and Ed Sizemore (The Manga Critic, 2/26/12)
- Tezuka, Sex, and Gender, Part II, Derik Badman, Katherine Dacey, Alex Hoffman, Omar Khan, Matthew Plummer, Khursten Santos, and Ed Sizemore (The Manga Critic, 2/27/12)
- Tezuka Tezuka, Margaret Emma (Margaret Emma, 2/22/12)
- The Tezuka Vertical Covers, Khursten Santos (Otaku Champloo, 2/18/10)
- Why I Like Osamu Tezuka’s Manga, Lori Henderson (Manga Xanadu, 8/24/09)