SEAN: As always for the first week of the month, there’s a lot I’m interested in, mostly from Viz. My pick is the new volume of My Hero Academia, which has risen up this year to become one of Jump’s hottest new titles, not quite on a Naruto level but at least near Bleach. And it’s also really fun.
MICHELLE: There’s a ton of stuff I’m interested in, too, with shoutouts to Ace of the Diamond, The Full-Time Wife Escapist, and Dreamin’ Sun in particular. Still, I am feeling in a distinctly Natsuki Takaya mood at present, so the fourth 2-in-1 omnibus of Twinkle Stars seems like just the thing.
KATE: This week, I’m all about Descending Stories. The last two volumes have done a better job of showing the reader why rakugo remains popular with Japanese audiences today, and has brought the drama. Count me in for the next installment!
ANNA: I’m going to go with The Full-Time Wife Escapist, I find the protagonist of the series different than what I expect from most josei series, and the dynamics between the characters are so interesting given the odd situations they find themselves in.
ASH: There are quite a few things that I’m interested in this week, too. However, the release I’m probably most curious about is the third omnibus of Erased. (Since the series is in part a mystery, this would seem to be an appropriate response.)