Off the Shelf with MJ & Michelle - Manga Bookshelf
Welcome to the first edition of a new weekly feature here at Manga Bookshelf, Off the Shelf! Joining me in this venture is Soliloquy in Blue's Michelle Smith. Each week, Michelle and I will chat about manga we're reading and see where the conversation goes! ... Michelle? MICHELLE: So.... what's a nice reviewer like you doing in a feature like this? Blog here often? Read any good books lately? MELINDA: I have, actually! This week I've spent some time with three different manga, all written for women or girls. And I think this ties in a bit with recent discussion of what female readers look for in comics, because despite the fact that these are all written for female readers (and two of them are romances), they couldn't be more different. I'll begin with the first volume of Code Geass Lelouch of the Rebellion: Knight. That's quite a title there, isn't it? MICHELLE: I didn't actually realize Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion is shojo, but now that I've looked it up, I find it ran in Asuka. Interesting. Have you actually read the main series or did you decide to just dive right in with the eye candy?