A quick question for those who read this blog via RSS feed. I currently have this set to show only a short preview of each entry on RSS feeds. I did this because originally the majority of those reading via RSS were on LiveJournal, and LJ users tend to prefer short entries with a cut on their friends pages, especially if the entry includes large images, which mine occasionally do. It was also a handy way to obscure spoilers from immediate public view. Now that this journal is mirrored on LiveJournal, however (allowing me to insert LJ cuts right into the entries), I think most LJ readers view it that way instead. So for the rest of you, which do you prefer on your RSS feeds, a preview or the full entry?
Lissa says
I *definitely* prefer full entries in feeds — that’s actually one of the initial determiners for whether or not I’ll follow a blog. I’ll follow yours anyway – because, you know, friend and all :o)! – but in general I hate the gimmickiness of boosting click through rate.
As I said in a Twitter exchange with a marketing/life coach last week: @TimBrownson I love your blog, but that setup [preview only in RSS] sends me immediately to the unsubscribe button. I seek RSS feeds I needn’t click [for] efficiency. … If a specific post has great content that inspires me to engage in conversation, I click. The content has to earn it.
Melinda Beasi says
Wow, I never even thought about anything like click through rate. I just thought I was being polite. Heh.
Thank you for your input! *heart* If most people feel the same way, I’ll change it.
Lissa says
Clickthrough rates, web usability, etc are a significant portion of my job now, and I read a couple of blogs that are always bringing up debate-worthy points.
The big thing about that is for blogs that generate income through ads — a high clickthrough rate is more important to the immediate bottom line than a high readership, so the preview option is very gimmicky. Tricksy, you might say. But in the long run, content with a genuine base of readers is what will be successful.
Whatever *you* choose, I’m here to stay. :o)
Melinda Beasi says
Ah, interesting. Seems like those kinds of tactics could backfire, no?
I’m thinking I’ll probably end up changing mine, since people seem to prefer to see the whole entries, and I’m not worried about filling people’s friends lists up with images anymore. So far nobody has complained about the potential spoiler issue, so I guess they don’t care about that either! :)
Johanna says
Definitely full entries. I do much of my reading through Google on a smartphone, and not having to click makes me a more involved and loyal reader.
Melinda Beasi says
Thank you for the input! Looks like most people agree with you.
Anna says
I like full entries too.
Melinda Beasi says
Thanks for the input! I’m guessing I’ll be making the change. :)
jansong@livejournal.com says
I don’t care a whole lot, but my vote is for full entries, too.
Melinda Beasi says
Thanks, mom! :)